Documents included in this section are destinated to give us information about your shipment. Please send the forms in the same format.

General Shipping Instructions
Here you will find Dealines, Consignee details and general instructions to prepare and send your shipment
Is the contract between us
Invoice and Packing List Temporary Import
Use this form for goods that are returning to origin. Ful fil the form with as much data as possible. It is important to place: brand, model, serial numbers.
Invoice and Packing List Permanet Import
Description and Harmonized Code (HC) of each item is much important. Please inform if goods are NEW (without any kind of use) or USED (demo or other event)
Value of goods is for Customs purpose, but should be reasonable.
Commercial Invoice & Packing list – EXPO Temporal
Use this form for merchandise that will be returning to Argentina. This information will helpus to know your shipment details. It is important to place: brand, model, serial numbers
Proforma & Lista de Empaque – EXPO Permanent
Please give us the available information, although estimate or approximate. This information will helpus to know your shipment details
Late Arrival Form IMPO
This for mmust be ful filled and signed if shipment can not reach deadlines
Late Arrival Form EXPO
This for mmust be ful filled and signed if shipment can not reach deadlines
We make free estimates
10 important tips
- Contact us as soon as possible – Do not leave this topic at the last minute – Anticipation allows you to solve o reliminate problems and reduce costs
- Start contact using Estimated data. This will save time and helps to define many aspects.
- In the description of the merchandise do not forget to include: brand, model, serial number, country of origin (country of manufacture)
- Temporary and permanent products must be sentse parately (physically and documentary)
- Please note that all shipments, both temporary and permanent, require a PREVIOUS Customs authorization.
- Do not ship before receive our OK orgreen light
- We strongly recommend NOT to use Courier services
- Do not include in your shipment merchandise that is not included and declared in the Invoice and PackingList
- In a temporary shipment everything that enter smust return and nothing additional can be added.
- Take note about deadlines when organizing your shipment